Victoria Fiddle Society logo floats over top of a get together with music.

Ukrainian Music Workshops

May 9, 10 & 12 – Online

The Old Avoca Schoolhouse in Avoca, Nebraska will be streaming three online workshops for soprano recorder players, alto recorder players, fiddlers, violists, cellists, bassists, and mandolinists.  

The Workshops will be on

Tuesday, May 9, 7 PM, Central Time, 5 PM, our time (Pacific Daylight Time)

Wednesday, May 10, 10 AM, Central Time, 8 AM PDT,


Friday, May 12, 7 PM, Central Time, 5 PM PDT. 

Different tunes will be played at each session. 

During these workshops we will play and discuss tunes from the “Ukrainian Fiddling Tunes for Two” series. There is limited enrollment, and pre-registration is required.  The cost for each workshop is $10.00 US. The cost of each optional book is $15.00 US (includes shipping if ordered with workshop registration). 

For more information, and to register:

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