Victoria Fiddle Society logo floats over top of a get together with music.

Pete Seeger’s 100th Birthday Singalong Concert

2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the late, great folksinger and social activist Pete Seeger. To honour the occasion, Mark Hellman is pleased to bring his rollicking  solo performance, Pete Seeger’sThe Incompleat Folksinger back to  Victoria. Sing out. Sing loud. Sunday, April 28, 2:30pm
SKAM Satellite Studio, 849 Fort St. (between Blanshard & Quadra)   TICKETS: $20 general; $15 students; Under 14 FREE (suitable for ages 8-98) AT THE DOOR
IN ADVANCE c/o Brown Paper Tickets 1-800-838-3006   ON LINE:  INFO:


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